Saturday, January 29, 2011

That dreaded cygwin "Device or Resource busy"...

If you've ever attempted to do any serious work on a Windows box configured with cygwin and a sshd, you've probably already come across the dreaded error message as you attempt to remove a file or folder

"Device or Resource busy"

If, not you probably will - sooner or later. You can't rm the files or folders, your compile is stuck as it can't write objs to disk - or whatever else your file access scenario may be.

SysInternals Handle to the rescue!

Handle will merrily show you what process is holding a handle to the specified file or folder. Once the perpetrator is located, taskkill /PID n, makes for the easy solution.

Simple, yet extremely effective trick for the toolbox...

(In all fairness, the latest 1.7.7 cygwin is a lot better than the previous versions :))